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  • Welcome to Shenzhen Zhongyuan Plastic Co., Ltd!
    Specializing in plastic mold design, manufacturing, injection molding processing, oil injection, screen printing
    Factory visit
    Specializing in plastic mold design, manufacturing, injection molding processing, oil injection, screen printing
    Central PlainsFour advantages
    Specializing in plastic mold design, manufacturing, injection molding processing, oil injection, screen printing
    • More than 20 years experience in injection molding industry
      Industry experience
    • Safety guarantee of brand supplied raw materials
      Raw material safety guarantee
    • Scale production efficiency industry leader
      Industry-leading efficiency
    • Strict process international standard certification
      International Certification
    Industry experience
    More than 20 years experience in injection molding industry

    Started in 1996, is a professional plastic mold design, manufacturing, injection molding processing and oil injection, screen printing as one of the integrated enterprises;

    A team of 30 technical members, including 8 senior engineers with more than 15 years of experience in injection molding process research and development, can flexibly deal with various difficult problems according to the actual situation and provide customers with solutions in time.

    Raw material safety guarantee
    Safety guarantee of brand supplied raw materials

    The raw materials are LG, Qimei and other famous brands at home and abroad, all of which have passed ROHS / SGS / reach and other international environmental protection standards certification;

    Stable quality, green non-toxic, safety and environmental protection, ensure product quality from the source.

    Industry-leading efficiency
    Scale production efficiency industry leader

    Over 3000 square meters of standardized production workshop, with injection molding machine, molding machine, pad printing machine, silk screen printing machine, mold processing equipment, quality testing instruments and other advanced production equipment and instruments to ensure that the injection molding process can be completed in one operation, a total of more than 110 sets;

    The daily output of the factory can reach 100000 sets, which can fully meet the needs of customers in large quantities, and the delivery time is fast and stable.

    International Certification
    Strict process international standard certification

    Strictly follow the requirements of ISO9001 international quality management system, establish a set of perfect production and quality control process, and ensure that the rate of good products is over 98%;Zhongyuan people defend product quality with their lives, which has been favored by famous enterprises such as Huawei, ZTE, bell, Fenghuo, SGM, Jinjin Co., Ltd. for 20 years!


    Every employee in Zhongyuan is familiar with the importance of service. The customer is the parents of Zhongyuan. Without high-quality service, Zhongyuan will never grow. On the road of growth, we insist on doing every little thing well and strive to make every customer who cooperates with us more satisfied.

    About us
    Live by quality! Build the future with integrity
    Founded in 1996, Shenzhen Zhongyuan Plastic Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in plastic mold design, manufacturing, injection molding processing, oil injection and screen printing. Located in Gongming, Shenzhen, the factory covers an area of more than 10000 square meters and employs about 300 people. Among them, there are 8 senior engineers and more than 30 professional and technical talents. Our factory pays attention to talent cultivation, constantly excavates and recruits talents. Now we have an excellent talent team...
    Always pay attention to the Central Plains plastic news
    Zhongyuan plasticsProduction process
    Specializing in plastic mold design, manufacturing, injection molding processing, oil injection, screen printing
    Copyright: Shenzhen Zhongyuan Plastic Co., Ltd. | mold processing customized manufacturer. If you want to know the processing price of the factory, how much is it, and which is good, please contact us Yue ICP Bei No. 17060480
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